What are the latest Covid-19 measures in Catalonia?
Bars and restaurants reopen over a month after toughest clampdown since spring.

Faced with a sharp rise in coronavirus cases, the government announced on October 14 a new raft of measures across Catalonia, followed by additional restrictions on October 19 (updated November 9) and a 10 pm to 6 am curfew in place since October 25. On October 30, borders and shopping malls were closed, and a partial weekend lockdown was introduced.
These restrictions were once again extended on November 12 and are set to be in place until at least November 23, although beauty and massage parlors may open once again.
From Monday, November 23, Catalonia entered the first stage of a four-phase de-escalation plan to open society back up.
General measures already in place remained in force, such as the obligatory wearing of face masks, a maximum of six people at social gatherings, and restrictions on smoking in public.
The government also called for people to make an effort to limit their movements and social contacts, avoid travel outside the municipality where they live, and work from home where possible. Universities were asked to move fully to online classes, as had already been agreed.
Here is the Catalan News guide to the measures in place.
On Monday, December 14, shopping centers were allowed to reopen, in an effort to stem overcrowding in city centers.
The same day saw religious events (such as weddings), have their capacity moved from 30%, with a cap at 500, to 30% with a cap at 1,000 people.
This same 1,000 person limit was applied to cultural venues, whilst their capacity stayed at 50%.
It was also declared that weekend mobility restrictions were changed from municipal to county level.
Measures in force from December 14
Bars and resturants. Bars and restaurants can open indoor and outdoor seating. Indoors, establishments can only accommodate 30% of their regular capacity, while there are no limits placed on outdoor seating. Only up to four people will be able to sit at each table.
Bars and restaurants will have to close by 9.30 pm to comply with the 10 pm curfew.
Partial weekend lockdown. From Friday at 6 am to Monday at 6 am, people are not allowed to leave the county they reside in. They can still leave home, but the government advises against doing so.
Sports activities can be carried out in surrounding towns.
Closed borders. Catalonia’s land borders with other Spanish regions will remain shut, with exceptions for health emergencies, commuting to and from work or school, and to take care of dependent relatives.
Gyms and sports centres open. Outdoor, 50% of the regular capacity can be accommodated, while only 30% can take part in activities indoors.
Stores. Shopping malls are now open at 30%. All stores can fully open with their capacity capped at 30%, including those of over 800m2.
Religious ceremonies such as weddings or funerals have a 30% capacity limit with a maximum of 1,000 people, as long as there is sufficient ventilation and access is controlled, otherwise the capacity remains at 500.
Remote work is strongly advised by Catalan authorities, which companies should implement unless they are unable to do so.
Public transportation including buses, trains, and the subway will continue running as usual.
Theatres, cinemas, concert halls, open again at 50% capacity with a maximum cap of 1,000 people, as long as there is sufficient ventilation and access is controlled, otherwise the capacity remains at 500.
Museums, galleries, and archives can open at 50% capacity.
Nightlife remains shut.
Amusement parks, bingo parlors, professional fairs are closed.
Post-obligatory education, such as the pre-university 'Batxillerat' programs and vocational training, will operate remotely when possible, excluding exams and in-person activities. Other educational centres, including primary and secondary schools, remain open.
Leisure and after-school activities for children can resume, with groups of a maximum of 6 people.
Public playgrounds open until 8 pm.
Curfew: People must remain home between 10 pm and 6 am except for justifiable reasons.
On October 19, the following measures were announced:
24/7 stores: All-night corner stores were first told to close from 10 pm to 7 am, but as of October 25 they must close by 9 pm.
Gas stations: Food and beverages can no longer be consumed on-premises, including outdoor terraces.
Community centers: In-person activities are cancelled, except for some essential social and educational services.