Raceplanes dance over Kazan’s cultural landmarks ahead of Air Racing this weekend

With only days to go before the third consecutive stop of the Red Bull Air Race in Kazan, Russia this weekend, two pilots from the World Championship ranks took the opportunity to view the Tatarstan capital from their raceplanes.

Kazan, Russia– Nicolas Ivanoff of France, who is proud of having Russian heritage on his grandfather’s side, and Spain’s Juan Velarde flew over two of Kazan’s famous domed structures, the Kremlin, a World Heritage site, and the Ministry of Agriculture, with its 20-metre statue of a majestic tree.
Meanwhile, another French pilot, Mika Brageot, nimbly danced his raceplane through a double gate as Tatar folk dancers expertly executed their own choreography, traditional to the Republic of Tartastan, just below.

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